
Cesaral RC Magic Bulb Maximize

Cesaral RC Magic Bulb

The magician takes a bulb, concentrates on it, and produces a flash out of it. Then he covers the bulb with a plastic all around and gives it to an audience member, so that nothing from the outside can interact with the bulb. The magician steps back and after exerting mental powers directed at the bulb, it turns on gradually and a few seconds later turns off gradually.

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1,00 €

Cesaral RC Magic Bulb, by Cesar Alonso


An audience member selects a bulb. The magician takes it, concentrates on it, and produces a flash out of it. Then he covers the bulb with a plastic all around and gives it to an audience member, so that nothing from the outside can interact with the bulb. The magician steps back and after exerting mental powers directed at the bulb, it turns on gradually and a few seconds later turns off gradually.

This is surely the best RC Magic Bulb in the market. We have been making and improving it since 2013.

Email as to to check the price and shipment costs.

 Important points:

• Strong visual effect for stage and close-up performers.

• Can be repeated anytime,anywhere. No reset needed.

• The light comes from the middle of the bulb, like in normal incandescent bulbs.

• The bulb has a clear ring close to the base that allows the audience to examine the inner part of it.

• Rechargeable self contained mechanism, sealed within the bulb. Controlled by microprocessor and highly integrated electronics.

• Luminous flux of about 90 lumens,with warm white light.

• E27 standard bulb base.

• R60 standard bulb shape. Available also in other formats under demand.

• Can be provided with special programmed sequences under demand.

• Can be used in touches type of effects

• Very easy to do so that you can concentrate on the presentation
